
EVAN 2019

Lieu : Paris


EVAN 2019

La conférence sera l’occasion pour les professionnels et les chercheurs de partager leurs expériences et leurs idées sur : l’études des variables géophysiques extrêmes (température, précipitations, débits, niveau de la mer, vents, vagues de surface, neige) et les travaux liés aux risques naturels (inondations, submersion marine, tempêtes de vent, vagues de chaleur, sécheresses, glissements de terrain, orages, érosion , tremblement de terre et tsunami)


Following the success of the first international conference on Advances in Extreme Value Analysis and application to Natural Hazard (EVAN) in Siegen Germany in 2013, then the second conference in Santander Spain in 2015, and in Southampton UK in 2017, we are pleased to announce the dates of the fourth conference to take place in Paris, France.

The conference will take place from Tuesday 17 to Thursday 19 September 2019 in Paris. The overall aim of the conference is to bring together and promote interchange between a diverse community of research scientists, students, practitioners and stakeholders concerned with this complex and inter-disciplinary topic.

The conference will provide a forum for the exchange of experiences and ideas on the extreme value analysis of Natural Hazards. Studies of extremes of geophysical variables (e.g temperature, rainfall, flows, sea level, winds, surface ocean waves, snow) and works related to natural hazards (e.g. floods, marine submersion, windstorms, heat waves, droughts, landslides, thunderstorm, erosion, earthquake and tsunami) are welcome. Please note although the focus is on extreme value analysis, contributions that do not include this, but involve other aspects of natural hazards analysis are still welcome.

Pour aller plus loin : site internet de l'évènement



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