WEBINAR - Activités animales dans les digues /!\ en ANGLAIS - INSCRIPTIONS et RECHERCHE D'INTERVENANT
Lieu : WEBINAR - 1h30
WEBINAR - Activités animales dans les digues /!\ en ANGLAIS
Voir contact ci-dessous pour s'inscrire ou pour proposer une intervention
EUCOLD WG Levee & Flood Defences - Webinar about animal activity on your levees
Program :
11:00 CET Welcome
11:05 1. English perspective on managing badgers in embankments (Johnny Lyttle, EA)
11:20 2. Detection of cavities in levees and forelands caused by beavers (Torsten Heyer, TU Dresden)
11:40 3. Awaiting response/to be confirmed
11:55 Exchanging thoughts and experiences on animal activity on levees
12:25 Feedback on webinar and poll for future topics
We are very pleased to welcome you all to the first webinar of the Working Group on Levees and Flood Defences of the European Club of ICOLD, about animal activity on our levees, which will be held June 30th from 11:00 to 12:30 CET.
More informations :
S'inscire ou proposer une intervention :
GRATUIT, mais inscription obligatoire
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